Can’t afford a real designer bag? BagInc sells designer-inspired bags that look similar (aka “dupes”) to designer bags. For instance, the “Louisa” bag line looks like dupe Louis Vuitton bags. They are not knock-off Louis Vuitton handbags or fake Louis Vuitton bags as they are not claiming to be authentic Louis Vuitton bags, but “designer-inspired” so it’s totally legal to buy these for the fraction of the cost of a real LV bag. The prices are low (most bags are $49 or less), but if you must buy now pay later, they accept PayPal Credit to make payment.
Looking for Louis Vuitton handbag dupes? Shop Louisa bags.
Looking for Gucci handbag dupes? Shop Jess bags.
Looking for Chanel handbag dupes? Shop Hannah bags or Adele bags (quilted handbags with chain straps).
Looking for Bottega Veneta handbag dupes? Shop Dina knotted bags. The Dina Spaghetti Vegan Leather Knot Top Handle in White looks exactly like Bottega Veneta’s Double Knot bag!
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