The Home Shopping Network (HSN) features designer handbags, clothing, shoes, and beauty products. They also offer two ways to finance your purchase (besides using a credit card): FlexPay and their HSN store card.
Enjoy now. Pay over time. 0% interest.
FlexPay lets you get what you want now and pay it off in easy installments interest-free! There are no extra charges and no hidden fees.
Just choose the FlexPay option at checkout, and they’ll divide your purchase into as many as five equal monthly payments on your regular debit or credit card.
Your order ships right away, so you can start enjoying your purchase now. Your credit card will be billed for the first monthly installment, plus tax and shipping. The balance is then automatically billed to your credit card in equal monthly installments beginning 30 days after the original order date.
HSN Card
- Save $10 on a single-item when you open and use an HSN Card
- Additional FlexPay on all beauty, fashion and jewelry
- Exclusive savings events throughout the year
- 12-month VIP financing on electronics, home & kitchen
- No annual fee
- Fraud protection
- Special offers
- Can also use your HSN Card at Zulily